The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)


AT MACBETH SONS1, PICCADILLY. -Ladies', 3s. SHOOTING -Royal Exchange opposite the Gentlemen's Feston, 3a. 9d. Pique, 4s.

OR THE -FREEBORN'S CORAZZA SHIRTS, made of fine Saxony flannel, white or colours. Royal Exchange Arcade. SCOTCH TWEED SHOOTING JACKET. Exchange Arcade. -FREEBORN'S IMPROVED Arcade.

Qj.RO USE OR -FREEBORN'S WATER CAPE. Royal "BTIINE VELVET HATS. HUSBAND'S Patent JL highest rank in general excellence, besides being -N ICOLL'S Registered Agent, H. R. FEEEBORN, Royal Exchange OUR Machine-made Waterproof SUMMER OVERCOATS, at 20s.

each, are decidedly the most useful, economical, and gentlemanly garment worn. GEORGE MACBETH it CO. 76. Market-street first doorfrom Spring Gardens. THE" AQUASCUTUM is decidedly the most Useful OVERCOAT that Gentlemen can wear.

It is eleaant in form, suitable for all kinds of weather, and. although waterproof, does not imnede Dersrjiration MumMimi Sold only by HENRY HEWITT SON, Tailors and Drapers, 72, Market FKANG1PANNI PERFUME. IESSE LUBIN, Perfumery Factors, 2, New Bond-street, London, are the only makers of the Genuine FRANGIPANNI SCENT. 2a. 6d.

per bottle. Sold by all fashionable druggists and perfumers. Be sure to ask for Piesse and Lubin's Frangipanni. ANDREW STONE MARBLE WORKS. OXFORD-STREET.

NEAR ST. PETER'S. H. PATTESON solicit an inspection of their Large Stock of CHIMNEY-PIECES, suitable for every description of house, in British, Italian, Belgian, and other Marbles, which they are disposing of at very low priceB. They have always on hand an Eleeant and Extensive Assortment of Designs for Monuments.

Tombs. ec. CaBmet Makern mmnliivl euifh Slain -Price by 0 be llct. TO BE LET, a Good HOUSE, well-furnished, Great Warford. AlrtArlckw Annt.n urDDv 'vJf wv Tim viuuuuru TO BE LET, a Good HOUSE, No.

7, Lime GrOTO. LoniZBicrht rent r-M on tr TO BE LET, in the Market Place, Macclesfield, a GROCER'S SHOP, now doing a first-rate readv-monev trade For particulars, address 94. at the printer's. rea'-money tTaae' rpo BE LET, Furnished or Unfurnished, a A DOUSE, in Victoria Park, for a year or more, containing three entering rooms, seven bedrooms, and a smaU gardenT-Address 63, at the printer's. tinmen.

TO BE LET, for a term of years, TWO MINES of Excellent CLAY, for makinir tire hrika rvii nt a quality are got upon the estate, which is situate li miles from a thriviug manufacturing town. Address, Box 10. Post-office, Bacup. A SMALL WAREHOUSE, in Portland-street, TO BE LET, with a stable attached. Has been recently hxtured, which will be sold at a low valuation.

Kent, 36. Apply on the premises. No. 56. KING-STREET.

TO BE LET, in the best part of Kinctreet. Eicnllpnt OFFTi cinf.ia.hio r.iy also a good Cellar, suitable for a wine merchant also Itoomai luuuuio iefi a iiuuiA'biapuer. Appiy at fcc. ADii square. DERBYSHIRE.

TO BE LET, Furnished, WIGWELL GRANGE. With manh.llnliw ahnVilaa fhraa miles from Matlock aud 14 from railway station. For more particulars, address F. G. G.

Poat-oaice, Wirksworth: or Dr. Goodwin, Harpurhey. SHIPPING WAREHOUSE TO BE LET, with immediate possession, situate in especially adapted for the yarn trade. Power can be'had, if required. Apply to ROBERT GOLDSMITH SON, Faulkner-street.

Manchester. CORNBROOK PARK. TO BE LET, the HOUSE! in the occuoation nf nhpflahvr lug breakfast, dining, and drawing rooniB, and seven bedrooms, with the usual linnvftnipnraR. Alinler Mr iFPflWil'l-I HI? nl and Aston'a, solicitors, 52, Pnnceae-street, Manchester. TO BE LET, a Very Roomy and Convenient WAREHOUSE, situate in St.

James-street. with rood mimtmu. house, private office, all well-fitted up with desks, gaa, and other reqairements. The teagle is strong and the loading good. Apply 1 1 KLlUHLiSY, LEA, Jt THOMPSON, 15, Dickmson-street, Man- reivvo WAREHOUSES TO BE LET.

with JL Steam Power attached, suitable for a nackor or anv other hnRi- neas requiring great strength of hniMinir navnm.1 lurca umi Buitabla for various purposes, with teagles complete) being more pre- uuTCB emu oxo xoiiuiruet ior oonoing purposes), witnm xour minutes walk of the Exchange. Apply to Mr. GEORGE FRYER, Bonding EDGE LANE, STRETFORD. TO BE LET, TWO Commodious and Well-built Semi-detached Gothic HOUSES, recently erected, and nnite readv for ori-nnation mmoin dlinug. drawing, and breakfast rooms, five bedronmie.

utwl hntlinvnivm. ajs. Biwuwi to tne iront 01 toge utne, witn large gardens, anu ahout five lllinntpft wnllr fnim ra.ilwnv at-itinn Paul J-'Ril innlit jmn an a tu. 40, TiucesB-street, Manchester. A OLD-ESTABLISHED IRONMONGERY XX BUSINESS.

LIVERPOOL. TO BE LET. a First-rate corner oritj-, situatea close to a market, and doing a large business. Stock nearly new, and in good condition rent .120. Stock and fix tures at a valuation, aay about 800.

This is a capital opportunity for ojuuujiiiiaii wiAiiucnuius uuamees. or carua co view, aniily to Air. I I I vl.i- ur.w jauuii, uucu, 10 At xjaauetii-aireet (corner 01 Lieign-street) Liverpool. jVTORTH WALES. TO BE LET, Furnished, LI and entered unon immediatelv.

a DnMrieiiln rtKSinii'xnp. within two miles of the Mold Railway Station, with good garden, hot house, greenhouse, Btabliug for six horsea, aud about 23 acres of land. The house contains dining and drawing rooms, about 20ft by lBft. morning roum, 18ft. by lbft.

six beet bedrooms, and two dressing rooms, besides servants' rooms. Additional land if required. Further particulars, and permission to view the premises, may be had em uiiyiiiy-clbiou iu inr. Ul Ul.lirji, fOBi-OmCe, FUUt. 1KO SE SHOOTING.

YORKSHIRE. TO BE LET, for a term of years, the Sole and Exclusive RIGHT of SPORTING over about 19,000 acres of Moorland, situate the ai en ui luuiuis 01 me county oi orK, togetner with the use of a Fur nished Residence, called Wemmeraill Hn.11. finninriaitiu Vi-ilf ic dining, and bedrooms, pantry and water-closet, with coach-house! stabling, loose boxea, and other conveniences. Trout fishing can be obtained in the rivers Tees, Lune, and Balder, and there is a lake upon tho moor well stored with fish. Wemmergill Hall is distant 13 miles from Barnard Castle, to which place there is a railway from Darlinir- tou on the North-Easteru line.

Further particulars aud terms of lenniK may oe ooiameu iroin air. iiur. A1ES, solicitor, Barnard Caatle, jjuiuuiu 4iHi uiy, AO I COTTON MILL TO BE LET. TO BE LET by Private Treaty, with immediate possession, a Newly-erected COTTON MILL, situate at Bridge Clough, near Newchurch-in-RoBsendale, centaining three rooms, each 49ft. by 39ft.

Gin. and an attic; warehouse, two rooms, each 33ft. by 18ft. devil-room, 33ft. 6in.

bv 22ft. Boanine-room. Rft. liv llltf; fun oArpml nt.tflmM and other appurtenances; together with a water-wheel, abundantly supplied with water, 80ft. diameter; a 12-horse steam engine, and a 22-horse boiler.

The situation is a very eligible one, being near a good road, and within about a quarter of a mile of excellent coal, which may be carted to the null free of toll. John Haworth. of Bridge Clough, will show tbe premises; and applications for treaty are to be uiaue hi mi-, uaoiujii ii a item ii, A oi in ewchurch aforesaid, TO BE LET, and entered upon at Michaelmas next, or sooner, if required, the STONEHOUSE MANSION, nrlll fho 1 11 v. 1 Ol, 1.1... i 1 1 1 a AAUMOC, UUUUIKI1GD, UU UUll ing together 18 acres or thereabouts.

Thn mansion wmaiaia nf dininc. room, drawing-room, library, and entrance hall, with suitable bed- xejuiiio tuiu abbiuu; iioK3L.uBr wica nouseaeeper a room, miner a pantry, Kiwueu, scuuery, servants- nan, laraer, wasn-notise, and laundry alao stable, saddle-room, double coach-house, with every other con venience. Stonehouse is situated within fifteen minutes' walk of Ouibury Station, upon the Shrewbury and Hereford Railway, six miles from Ludlow, and three miles from Craven Arms both are firat-class stations. All further particular may be had by applying to Mr. WHITE, of Priors Haltori, near Ludlow.

applying Sales to inbatc Contract. CAITHNESS. FOR SALE, the Valuable and Extensive ESTATE of Langwell, situated in the county of Caithneaa, computed to contain about 40,000 acrea, as more fully detailed in larga advertisem*nt. It is suggested to intending purchasers to view this desirable property during the summer, as, if not previously disposed of by private bargain, it is intended to expose the eatate to public sale, at Edinburgh, about the end of September next. Mr.

Greive, the manager at Langwell-by-Berriedale, will give directions for showing the boundaries and further particulars may be had of Messrs. Home and Rose, W.S. 90, George-street, Edinburgh or of J. Lockhart Morton, 26, Parliament-street, Westminster, London, WOMBWELL WOODHEAD ESTATE, YORKSHIRE. TO CAPITALISTS, COAL AND IRON MASTERS, TO BE SOLD by Private Contract, the Important and Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called the Woodhead House Estate, situate at Wombwell Woodhead, near Bamaley, Yorkahire, comprising a capital mansion, farmhouse, cottages, bams, stables, and other outbuildings pleasure grounds, garden, orchard, and upwards of 150 acres of superior arable, meadow, and pasture land, now occupied by Mr.

Timothy Smith, and others. The eatate containa the well-known excellent beda of coal, called the Abdy or Wath Wood 2ft. 6in. the Kent or 5ft. the Low Wood or BamBley ft.

the Swallow Wood or 5ft. the Tborncliffe thick coal 6ft. the Bromley Moor or Silkstone main coal 5ft. and other thinner beds and also extensive beds of superior ironstone audbuilding stone; isflanked by theSouth-Yorkahire Railway and Dearne and Dove Canal on the north and westwardly aides, and is distant three miles from Barnsley. nine from Rotherham.

andlittle more than one mile from the Wombwell, the Worsbrough, and the Hoyland Stations on the South Yorkshire Railway. The mansion is pleasantly situated, and will be found a desirable residence for a gentleman's family, and the whale of the land is of superior quality. The workings of the Abdy, Kent, and Barnsley beda of coal surround the eatate. and have laid the minerals in this estate perfectly dry. This eatate presents to the capitalist an investment seldom met with a most eligible Bite for a colliery plant for the erection of a blast iron furnace, with excellent means of transit by rail and canal to all parts.

Mr. Thomas Totield, of Ecclesfield, or the tenants, will Bhow the estate. For farther particulars, or to treat for the purchase, apply to William Newman, Esq. Darley Hall, Barnsley; to Messrs. Newman and Sons, solicitors, Barnsley: to H.

V. Waring, Esq. solicitor, Lyme Regis, Dorset; to John Clarke, Esq. land surveyor, Iligham Cliffe, near Alfreton; to Messrs. Ridsdaleand Craddock, solicitors, 5, Gray's Inn Square, London; or to Mr.

NICHOLSON, solicitor, Wath. near Rotherham. BEAUTIFUL ESTATE AND RESIDENCE FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD by Private Bargain, the Very Eligible ESTATE of Maines, situated in the parish of Chirusido and county of Berwick. The estate consists of 466 acres imperial or thereby, of which 391 are arable and of superior quality, and 56 acres of full-ground timber, of this the greater part might also be made arable without injuring the amenity of the property.

The lands are at present all in pasture, and with the exception of the orchard and nursery have been in the natural possession of the proprietor for 20 years, and have been all thoroughly drained, limed, enclosed, and watered. The mansion-house and gardens have a southern exposure, commanding an extensive and beautiful view of the Merse and Vale of the Tweed and Whitadder, and of the Cheviot and Eiidon Hills in the distance. The house is of modern construction, and, having been built by the late proprietor for his own occupation, Is finished in an elegant and substantial manner. It contains four public rooms, five large bedrooms, two dressing-rooms, five smaller bedrooms also bathrooms, butler's pantry, servant's hall, cellars, water-closets, The washing-house, laundry, Ac. are situated immediately behind the house, and the whole well supplied with water.

The garden is surrounded with high walls, and well stocked with fruit trees in full bearing. There is also an excellent vinery and conservatory heated on the most improved principles. The offices are commodious and in very respect suitable for the estate. There is also an orchard and nursery containing 10 acres, with houses and offices let on lease (of which there are three years still to run), at the yearly rent of 37 sterling, but with power to the proprietor to resume possession immediately if he chooses. Maines is situated eight miles from Berwick-on-Tweed, within a mile of Chimside, where there is a daily post-about two miles from the Chimside, and three from the Ayton Stations of the North British Railway.

The river Whitadder, affording excellent trout fishing, is within half an hour's walk of the mansion-house. Several packs of hounds hunt the district, and salmon fishing may be had In the neighbourhood. The lands, with a small exception, hold of the crown feu duty elusory. One park holds of the proprietor of Whitehall yearly feu duty 37. 2s.

The land tax is redeemed, and the temds are valued and nearly exhausted. The parish church has recently been thoroughly repaired, and the manse and offices and the school and schoolmaster's house re-built. The house is elegantly furnished, and tbe purchaser may have the furniture at a valuation Entry to the whole premises may be had at Martinmas next. Part ot the purchase money may, if the purchaser chooses, remain on the security of the estate. For further particulars, apply to John Gibson Walmet, by Dalkeith or to Thomas and James BowhilL writers, Ayton.

The latter are in possession of the title deeds and plans of the estate. MOSTYN, NEAR HOLYWELL, NORTH WALES. EXTENSIVE LEASEHOLD COLLIERIES FOUNDRY, and LAND, on the Estuary of the Dee, at Mostyn. near Holywell, and LEASEHOLD COLLIERIES at Flint. TO BE SOLD by Private Treaty (to dose a concern, on account of the decease of the senior partner) Lot 1.

SOUTH MOSTYN OOT.T.TFRV bM Ko Wo hi. tv. Hanmer, Bart. M.P. at moderate royalties.

The mineral ground contains an area of 1,600 acres, extending upon and under the estuary of the Dee, in the parish of Whitford, Flintshire. The colliery is in full work and profit, and capable of great extension, beitg yet in its infancy, the seams (6 feet, 4 feet, and 2 feet 3 inches) already won, exclusive of the North Mosvyn seams lately discovered, being almost untouched; and tbe ground also contains beds of iron ore of good quality. There is a convenient private siding into the Chester and Holyhead Railway, which line passes for a mile and a half through the property, and the tide flows within a few yards of the pit mouth, thus affording rare facilities for the transit of coals to market by land and sea. Lot 2. The LEASE and GOODWILL of an extensive and recently-erected Don and Brass Foundry, Steam Engine and Boiler Factory, Scrapping Forge, Smithies, Sawmill, Shipbuildiag and Timber Yards, all fitted with Improved tools, steam power, and gasworks also roomy counting-houses, manager's and foremen's dwelling-houses, held by lease of the River Dee Company.

The concern is in full operation, with a large and respectable connection, which is capable of being greatly extended under spirited management. The premises cover an area of three acres, having a large frontage to tbe estuary of the river Dee, with siding from tbe Chester and Holyhead Railway aad South Mostyn Colliery, and cheap access by sea and railway to and from Liverpool, Chester, Rhyl. Bangor, Holyhead, Carnarvon, Ireland, Ac. The premises are extremely well adapted (from their central position and command of cheap and excellent fuel) for ironworks and forges, the steam engine, shipbuilding (wood and iron), locomotive, and railway waggon trades. Lot 3.

About 12 Acres, more or less, of Valuable LAND, centrally situate between tbe said colliery and foundry, at the skew railway bridge, and opposite the Honest Stan Inn, with extensive railway, sea, and turnpike road tromtages, very capitally adapted for building sites, and for the erection of warehouses, docks, or works held cf the River Dee Company under the same lease as lot 3. Lot 4. PWLLYMWG and BRYNOOCTT LBASEIinT.D Cfifj, LTKRIKS, abutting upon, and adjacent to, the town of Flint, and close qn the margin of the river Dee, upon which there are convenient loading stages, and to the Chester and Holyhead Railway, the pits having direct access to the sea by tram road, and in dose proximity to the Flint Station of the Chester and Hnlvhesri The imnnrt la also rrjtersected by the turnpike road between Flint and Holywell, kc Also the Under-mentioned COASTING VESSELS, which were built principally by the owners for their own trade, In the most substantial manner, and of the best Welsh oak and foreign timber. They are in excellent condition, being well found in sails and rigging, vie. schooner Sophia, registered tonnage 79 tens, stowage 110 tons; schooner Flint Castle, regjsterad tonnage 80 tons, stowage 130 tons; flat Conway, registered tonnage 43 tons, stowage 70 tons; flat Despatch, reentered tonnage 27 tons, stowage 45 tons.

For Jfurther particulars, and to treat for the abov apply to JAMES Hi TON. ESQ. Flint. North WsIm nrMr WhaattawKiST ratjonaftr ana valuer, CtasHtcwt Chambers, Qross-ftreet, Han- J-- hood of ureenneyB, a urjttaxiiuuiijj. Jinoiowneum days, it wiU be eold to defray expenses.

Address 39. Young-street, Manchester. IP the ARTICLES LEFT at No. 58, Booth-street West, are not claimed and the money thereon paid in fonrteen days, they will be sold, in liquidation of the expenses incurred oy tne owner. July 28.

1857. OYAL INFIRMARY, Manchester, 28 th uly, 1857. The Secretary begs to acknowledge the receipt of 2. 2s. 9d.

being the balance, after paying all expenses, of a sum collected for decorating the lamps, c. in Portland-street and Oxfortt-Btrcet on the occasion of her majesty's visit. IVTOTiCE. All Persons who, in or about 1852, -131 1853 or 1854, Subscribed towards the Erection of New Schools, in connection with the Church at HaaUngden, Lancashire, are requested immediately to furnish the dates and ainounte of their bscriptions, to Messrs. SHAW.

BUTOLIFFE. TATTERS ALL, UANDSLLY, Bumley. 23d Juiy. 1857. FALKNER BROTHERS, Stevenson Square, respectfully announce that the season for CLOSING their PREMISES on SATURDAY at TWO O'CLOCK commences on the 1st of August.

TO MERCHANT SHIPPERS. A Party, doing a good business, may have the Entire of a WAREHOUSE and OFFICES, moat eligibly situated, at a mere nominal rent, on condition that the advertiser have the niakiug-up aud packing (by steam power), at a price to be agreed ou. Principals only confidentially treated with. Address 119, at the printer's. CAPITALISTS.

The owner of a very valuable Plot of Land suitable for shipping warehouses, wishes to meet with a Gentleman who ha3 carital at command, which he is willing to advance at a liberal rate of interest, fer the purpose of covering the same with Warehouses. Plans aud estimates for one warehouse are agreed upon, on the usual terms of 7j percent; aud other applications have been received. Audresa Ji 18S, Post-office. THE RHINE AND It MANY. The Shortest and Cheapest Route, via Rotterdam, to -the Rhine aud Germany, is by the Dutch Rheuish Railway.

Through trains in conjunction with those of the Cologne-Mi nden Company, start three times a day. Fifty pounds of luggage allowed free for each passenger. Further particulars forwarded, post free, on application to the company's London agent, Mr. JOHN C. ANSON, il, Graceehurch-Btreet.

Si RE AT NORTHERN, AND MANCHESTER, JC SHEFFIELD. AND LINCOLNSHIRE RAILWAYS. The are informed that, ou aud after tho 1st of August next, a SPECIAL SERVICE of FAST and other DIRECT THROUGH PASSKNUKR TRAINS will be established between LONDON IKING'S CROSS STATION) and MANCHESTER. By order. SEi uuvii lienerai Manager, Great Northern Railway.

EDWARD WATKIN, General Manager. Manchester. Mietlield. aud Lincolnshire Railway London, King's Cross Station, luth July, 1857. THE CUE! GREAT NORTHERN AND MAN- ESTER.

SHEFFIELD. LINCOLNSHIRE RAILWAYS. The Public aro respectfully informed, that on and after the 1st of August next tne aiiove companies will coiiMiSjNCE tne carriage; of GOODS between Manchester, c. and London. Further particulars, will be given iu a future paper.

By order. SJsxMUUit clakkk. General Manager, Great Northern Railway. EDWARD WATKIN. General Manaeer.

July 25, 1857. Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway. HIE GREAT NORTHERN AND MAN CHESTER. SHEFFIELD. LINCOLNSHIRE RAILWAY.

The Public are respectfully informed that on and after the 1st of AuguBt next, tho above companies will (JUMJIK-VUE to (JAKilY PARCELS by their Passenger Traina, between Manchester, and Loudon. Parcels inaykbe booked and inquiries made at the Parcels OlliCe, Cross-street; and at the London Koail htatioii. SUYMOUR CLARKE, General Manager, Great Northern Railu ay. EDWARD WATKIN, General Manager. Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway.

Manchester, July 27, 1857. CHEAP TRIPS to Liverpool, Isle of Man.Bangor, Blackpool, Southport, to. go from New Bailey-street, Sc. every saturuay, uuu inursuay, as per Stanley trip uiiui. CHE A Satun' DAY TRIPS to Manchester, every Every Monday, from Preston, Chatburn.

Chtheroe, Blackburn, Bolton, at extraordinary low lares. bee Stanley liiiis. V1 IA LONDON AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. LONDON and BACK, from 12s. Cd.

and 21e. live or three clear days, going on Saturday and Mouday morning next, August and 3, at seven clock, calling at Stockport, cnei-lord. Holmes Chanel, and Saudbach: returniuK. Friday. August 7, Children half price.

Tickets and bills of Mr. Pratt, 56. Bridge-street, MaLChester; and at the above stations. H. R.


Ui.lvhead. Dublin, aud the lale ot Man. commencing July li57. SPECIAL TRAINS will leave tho Birkeuhtad, Lancashire, and Cheshire unction Stations for the following places, every Satur- aav. until further notice: lale oi Man tickets are lasueu oy i a.m.

train, trom Victoria Station, Manchester, and by 3 p.m. train from Ordsal Lane, and available for 14 days, including the date of issue. jjutiiiu tickets are issued bv A p.m. tram trom ordsal iiane. anu avail able for seven days, lncludmg date of isnue.

Manchester to Birkenhead tickets are available for 14 days. All other Btations are available tor lour uuys, including date ot issue. Tuin a-nd Fajre Table, Thibx Class, for the Double Journey. i a 3 -S-O" Co OS1 From a J3 p. in Ordsal Lane, Manchester 3 0 Ecclea 3 IU Kenyou unction 3 2l Newton '3 3u Warrington :3 50 Frodsham I1 Birkenhead 4 15 s.

d. s. a. s. d's.

s. s. did 0 Oi Old 0s5 (i 7 did 0 9 Oil 6 6 7 0:7 G'8 618 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 8 0 11 Oil O'll Wll 0 11 0 9 6 b'7 d'7 05 6'8 613 6 3 bid To the Isle of Man. first class, chief cabin. 13s.

children under twelve years of age half price. Luggage: 56tl allowed to each tourist, at their riBk and uueler their charge. Passengers for Dublin will leave Holyhead by the steamer at p.m. or as soon after as the tide permits. Isle of Man passeugers go direct to Birkenhead, aud sail from Liverpool ut about 11 a.m.

RETURNING. The tickets are available any day by tho under-mentioned trainB only, and by goods boat from North Wall, Dublin, at 0 p.m. doily (Sundays excepted), or by steamer from Klngctown, at 30 a.m. or 2 30 p. ib.

ou payment of 3a. extra on board. From Carnarvon, as far as Bangor, by any train. From Holyhead, Bangor, Conway, Rhyl, by the trains which leave Holyhead at 12 15 p.m. and 6 10 p.m.

aud from Bangor, Conway, and Rhyl, by the 30 a.m. from Bangor. From Birkenhead for at 8 15 a.m. 11 15 a.m. 4 15 u.m.

and 6 15 p.m. From Cheater for Frodsham, Warrington, Manchester, at 6 15 a.m. and 12 30 p.m. or 7 15 p.m. and for Birkenhead, at 10 a.m.

12 15 p.m. 8 30 p.m. or 10 20 in. From the Isle of Man any sailing day, and by above-mentioned trains from Birkenhead. Thoe booked to Cheater only, return by third-class train ouly.

N.B. The above apply to week day trains. The tourist may also return by Sunday third-class trains, lionets to do ootainea at urusui t.aue station. N.B. Special excursion trains for schools, clula, societies, mill hands, may be arranged at very low rates, on application to Mr.

R. Stanley, 224, Deansgate: Mr. T. Coles, 11, Cooper-ftreet. Manchester.

CHARLES MASON. Mauacer. Birkenhead. TT! I A TMl TvAlnurl anrl Spnt aiirl 1 'I Polophomc and Ventriloqiual Entertainment, by Mr. HILTON, who has been enthusiastically -London Supper- roouis, Bridge-street.

HER MAJESTY'S VISIT. J. B. DANCER solicits the attention of Viaitors and tho Public to hia large Stock of New and Improved OPERA GLASSES, with six and twelve lenses, mounted in enamel, tortoiseshell. Ivory, and japan.

These are to be obtasned, at continental prices, at his stalls, in the Art Treasures Exhibition aud alao at 43, Cross-street, Manchester. Opera glasses for hire picture lenses pictorial tubes, R1 ICHMOND CHANDLER direct special attention to their EXPORT CHAFF MACHINES. CORN CRUSHERS. with peculiar adaptations for shipment to the colonies. which, by the most severe working proofs, have always been assigned the first hi the trade for simplicity, quality, ana auap-tatiou of material Address RICHMOND CHANDLER, Salford; branch warehouse.

South ohii-street, Liverpool. N.B. Agricultural Outfits, for home trade or exportation, completed on tho Bhorteat notice. M- ACBETH SONS, Piccadilly, beg to nnnounce that a New and Separate Department has recently been added to their Establishment for the Sale of CHILDREN'S, BOYS' and YOUTHS' ATTIRE, of which no description can convey an adequate conception of the beauteous and varied styles introduced by themselves, or improved from patterns selected periodically from the Loudon, Edinburgh, and Parisian marts of fashion. Parents and guardians will nnu tne moiieraie prices mm eieparmieui uupaxaiicieu rlOTTON SPINNERS, Manufacturers, and AfaMiinn M.ikfird.

can be SUPPLIED with SOFT -IRON 7z x- I L- I 7 -1 7 r- I '1 11 ,1 i ri-a t. Afari. LAO 1 erO, II i i i iii v. vj cheater and the Mulland WorkB, Sheffield. KITCHEN RANGES, REGISTER GRATES, AND ALL KINDS OF IRON CASTINGS.

STANLEY, BELLAMY, CO. of the Midland Works, Sheffield, General Iron Founders and Manufacturers, have OPENED a BRANCH WAKE- llUUarji aii uww wmucn uivvu-uiw LiaKtiitmni wharA nvpnr fipfu-rintinn of cookintr anDaratus. kitchen range, and other grates, may be obtained. Gentlemen or hotel keepers wishing for perfect cooking arrangements, will do well to consult S. B.

and Co. F1LKINGTON, MASON, CO. Patentees of 1 tho TCT.F.rrrrto PLATE, reouestnartlea intencllntr to-Durchaae articles of their manufacture, to satisfy themselves that then: marks are distinctly stamped upon every piece, such only beng warranted. They are induced to offer this caution in consequence of purchasers having complained of goods being represented, when purchased, to be of Elkmgton, Mason, ana uo. a uui wmuiuaioLuuicu to be without their warranted marks, thus Their goods may be obtained of any respectable silversmith or at the patentees' establishments.

Birmingham and London. MR. GREEN'S PATENT FUEL ECONOMISES. FOB STEAM BOILERS. By this system the temperature of the feed water ii heated up to 250s and 30e previous to entering the boilers.

"In this way, as appears by the concurrent testimony of many of our largest millowners and manufacturers, the temperature of the feed water Is raised above the boiling point, and an economy of one fourth of the entire fuel previously consumed accomplished." Timet, August 13, 1856. Offices, Ducje BuUdlngB, near the Exchange, Manchester and Phoenix Works. Wakefield. TO COMMERCIAL GENTLEMEN AND VISITORS TO MANCHESTER DUCIE ARMS HOTEL, STRANGE WAYS, MANCHESTER. I have thepleaSHre to announce that I have TAKEN and entered upon the above HOTEL, lately in the occupation of Mr.

John Bell. This establishment, having undergone extensive alterations and enlargement, is in every way adapted for a first-class family and commercial hotel. It is situated within three minutes' walk of the Victoria Station the principal junction for the IvHah Kvts)i ViirlcnbirA line fcha rpntrnl omnibus station for the Art Treasures Exhibition and all parts of the city, and within five minutes' walk of the Royal Exchange. A table d'hote daily, at 1 15 precisely, except on Tuesdays (market day), when dinner win rje on the table at two o'clock. Every facility will be afforded for large or small dinner parties.

Respectfully soliciting your patronage, I am your obedient servant, G. GARWOOD, Proprietor. THima Arntn Hotel. AnriL 1R57. N.B.

Extensive stabling and space for carriages, and every other accommodation necessary. arm, cold, ana shower oatns. FEMALE treated by Dr. LEWIS, M.R.C S. 60, Booth-street East, one door from UXiora-acree, -nimcnecaer.

aingiceicunniwncBuiBmwi. miTE Deculiar Disorders, Irregularities, Obstruc I tions Sc. to which Ladies are subject, are treated a very able and successful manner by Dr. DAY. M.R.C.S.

123, Grosvenor-street, two doors from Oxford-street, Manchester. The strictest secrecy in all cases observed. nR. LEWIS'S le Grand ELIXIR D'IDALIA, nr. fcnoio, atreniTth.

and manhood, when lost throosh elcea: curing indigestion, pains In the back and llmta, restoring rxtemore.cting on the human system generally, when labouring under AlyWKgrMAc6TT, chemist, Manchester. Juit published, SELF-CONTROL: its Advantages and Effects to Prolonging the Duration of Human Life. A Treatise, with hints Mdremediei of importance to those requiring private medical aeTByTptysidan 0, AtslfHreoTdh itreet, Oldham and Kay. Bury. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE.

I Tn day M.R.C.8. may be consulted on all cases of nervoui viI' -J-7rte dreams, loss of ai quire oonfinemexit. ft fJBSabS'utoHlfSto toJS jerona cmpo which are torarid e1 IWretrSulvltS to pay Dr. Day a Safes fig tJribat Contract. TjSF.

ON SALHSeen at the Station, Salford. P. RICHARDSON. Stratford. SALE.

Angola a wtptct VjApply to HENRY GLYNN, broker. Kxchangetreet East, 0NT SkALnwFIVE LENGTHS of Excellent uuu yiuiwira. RAND PIANO, by Broadwood. Verv Power. nil Modern GRAND, in fine condition, n.

Wermein tji.w friars-street, Salford. SPORTSMEN. Double-barrelled FOWLING PIECE, with everv reouisito oinmWn wn k. 1, Apply to Mr. JOSEPH TAYLOR, auctioneer.

26. Broroeer ICE FOR SALE, price 4a. per cwt. delivered at the railway stations or other places in Manchester AodIv Ibv letter or otherwise) to JOHN JENNISON. Belle Vue.

TO BE SOLD or LET, DEEPLY VALE WORKS. Apply to JAMES KERSHAW SONS, Hey wood, or 16, Peel-street, Manchester. TO BE SOLD, a Very Valuable Black aud "White SETTER DOG: has been shot over three seasons, aad is trmed: price. 10. Apply to Mr.

THOMAS SHUTTLE" 1 ORTH, Haaviley. Stockport. TO BE DISPOSED OF, the GOODWILL aud TRADE. Of l)(-iBtjihliqli(vl Whnloaaln timevra Ttnainpaa of the late Mr. John Roy lance, 33, Withy Grove.

For particulars, apply to Mr. HOWARD, on the premises. TO BE SOLD by Private Contract, a Valuable PLOT (of nearly 1.700 vanlnl nf KRMVinOT.T T.ATeJII inf! over Victoria Bridge, and ahout three minutes' walk from the Exchange. For price. Sc.

apply to M. NEWTON, 11, Queen-street. Manchester. PORT WINE. The advertiser has 11 Dozen of that raro and valuable vintage (1820) PORT WINE on bALE.

To save trouble, his price is nine guineas per dozen. Carriaga Said within one hundred miles of Manchester. OHN No. 1, Saint James's Square. Manchester.

CARDING ENGINES. TO BE SOLD by Private Contract. FIFTY-NINE 40-in. CARDING FA'CIKKS. 15 fiats, two rollers, and one clearer, with licker-in each cylinders, Hm.

diameter; doflers, segment-bmit, and cards in good condition. May be seen at work on application to Messrs. CEPHAS HOWARD CO. Stockport. ON SALE, ONE DRAWING FRAME, nearly new.

made bv Seville and Woolstenholme contains two heads of four deliveries each, and one head of eight deliveries, all patent motions attached. May be seen at work at Messrs. James Clegg audi Co. Vale Mill. Ueywood, until Saturday next For further particulars-apply to WALKER HACKING.

POINTERS AND SETTERS. FOR SALE, a Number of Youne POINTERS, which havo boen broken. and are ready for shooting over this, season. Also, Three or Four very nanuaomo Black ana ran setters, which have been shot over, and are Bteady. For further particulars, apply to J.

W. EDGE, guu maker, Russell-street, Stretford Road. TO BE DISPOSED OF by private treaty, by the Executors of the late Peter Heaton, a New Stone MILL, situate in Ualhwell, near Bolton, and callable ef holding 20,000 mule apindles, with preparation together with steam engine, mill gearing and gas apparatus complete. For further particulars, aud tc for the same, apply to THOMAS JOSEPH HEATON, Ualhwell, near Bolton. A portion of the purchase money may remain on interest if required.

TO SOAP MAKE US. TO BE SOLD by Private Treaty, a SOAPEitY, with a first-class connection amongst consumers, nearly new constructed on the most approved principles, with a limekiln on the premier, and capable of making 40 toua of hard soap per week, which may be extended to 100 tons. The works are conveniently situated, both for railway and water carriage, aud are iu good working order. Any party wishing to commence tho business will find tills a first-rate opportunity. Nobo bub principals treated with.

Address Box 65, Post-ollice, Liverpool. CHESHIRE. The HOCKENHULL HALL FREEHOLD ESTATE.uear Chester, FOR SALE by Private Contract compribea 466 acres of first-rato laud, now let in three farms, and! adjoins the turnpike road from Cheater to Tarporley, four milea from Cheater, and within two houra by railway from Manchester and Liverpool. Hockenhull Hall, a fine old mansion, would, by a small outlay, be fitted for the residence of a gentleman's family. Printed particulars, with plan, may bo obtained from Messrs.

HUMBERSTON. HELPS, and PARKER, solicitors, Chester, who will treat for the Bale. QIOR SALE, the STOCK IN TRADE and Long- established BUSINESS, carried on bv the deceased Mr. Alex ander Thomson, under the firm of Mesars. Robert Thomson and Royal Exchange, Edinburgh.

The purchaser may have the use or a lease of the premises occupied by the company. Inventories of the stock will bo ready shortly. Reference is made to Mr. Thomas DaU, C.A. 3, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh, the factor for tho testamentary, trustees of the deceased or to Mr.

George Cotton, S.S.C. 40, York Place, Edinburgh, agent for the trustees. Full particulars will be, given in future advertisem*nts. rfO BE SOLD by Private Treaty, a Valuable JL FREEHOLD 4NSION and ESTATE, near Wigan, containing about lui acres of laud, Cheshird measure, with tho mines and minerals thereunder. The house is fit for a respectablo family, eligibly situated, aud contains breakfast-room, dining-room, drawing-room, and live bedrooms, on the principal lloors.

besides attics also two kitchens, butler's pantry, store-roouis, laundry, aud cellars. The outbuildings aro extensive and new, and the gardens and orchards well stocked with fruit trees, and the land iu a high state of cultivation. The house is situate four miles from Wigan, and one milo from the Orrell and Pnnbo Lane Stations of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. For further particuiara. apnly to Mr.

George Diwson, Pemberton, near Wigan or ut the office of Ralph Leigh, attoruey-at-law, Wigan. MACHINERY FOR SALE. Parties who want the 3ame for exportation will find the prices very moderate. Lot 1. consisting of ONE 6-horse Horizontal Direct-acting High-pressure STEAM ENGINE, with four pumps, in good order; two plunges 2 inches in diameter; two ditto, 1J inches in diameter: length of stroke, 4 inches four hydraulic presses, 7 inch ram and 5 feet stroke one wrought-iron tank, 8 feet long by 6 feet by 2j feet deep, fittmga complete one tubular boiler and furnace, in good order consumption of fuel about 7cwt.

per day. Lot 2, consisting of One 4 horse Direct-acting High-pressure Steam Engine, 16 Inch stroke, and gear complete with four pumpa plunge-3, li inch, length of stroke 4 inches three presses, 7 inch ram and 5 feet stroke; ono ditto, 8 inch ram, ana 4 feet Btroko one tank, 6 feet long by 3i by 2 feet deep ono flue, boiler, and funnel complete; consumption of fuel about 6 cwt. per day. The above now lying at the Victoria Engine Works, Liverpool. For further particulars, apply at No.

2, Middloton Buildings, cornet of Rumford-street and Water-Btreet, Liverpool. IRISH HORSES. VICTORIA REPOSITORY, STRANGEWAYS. D. M'CALDON begs to announce to the Nobility and Gentry of Manchester and the surrounding districts, that: after a tour throuxh Ireland, ho has arrived home with a Lot of First-class HORSES, comprising weight-carrying hunters, high-stepping brougham and phaeton horses, gentlemen's ride aud drive horses, stylish ladies' pads and high-stepping cobs.

The above will be shown on Wednesday the 21)th inBt. and following days during the week. AH horses sold at his repository are warranted sound, or subject to a veterinary surgeon's opinion. D. M'Caldun also begs to announce that he has got three stylish cob ponies, with high action for sale, the property of a gentlemau having no use for them also bay mare and bay horse.

The mare ib 15 hands 3 inchea, with uplendid action, beautiful hack and a trained huntress. The horae 15 hands 2i inches, fast trotter, with high action, Buitable to earry a heavy gentleman. Horses bought and sold on commission, and broken to single and double karneos, and made quiet to ride. bs Auction. THIS MORNING, at ten very punctually.

Mart, 80, Stretford Road MR. WILLIAMSON'S USUAL WEEKLY SALE of FURNITURE. Sale THIS MORNING of Superior Mahogany Furniture, takea under distraint. MR. WILLIAMSON will SELL Many Valuable Lots in Sound Second-hand FURNITURE.

Mart 80 Stretford Road. 22, Bloom-street, Newcastle-street, Stretford Road. THIS DAY, ad half-past two. MR. WILLIAMSON will SELL the Valuable Mahogany FURNITURE, as above.

Seventy First-rate Cart Horses. Annual Sale of Cart Stallions and! other Superior Draught Horses, at Lucas's Repository, Liverpool. By MeBsrs. LUCAS CO. on Wednesday the 5th of August next, a6 twelve o'clock, at their Repository, Liverpool SEVENTY CART HORSES, consisting of 15 to 20 stallionB, 20 Mecklenburg cart horses; 20 cart horsea, from town work, equal to any in England farmers' horses, brood mares, valuable van horses, tus.

Pedigrees and descriptions of stallions intended for this sale must be forwarded on or before the 30th instant. All horses to be sent in on Mouday and Tuesday, the 3d and 4th of August. Places secured according to priority of entrance. At Liverpool. Six Hundred Dozen of particularly Fine Wines, beink, the Private Property of a Gentleman leaving his present residence in the country, and disposing of hia entire Cellar.

By Mesars. THOMAS WINSTANLEY SONS, on Thursday the bth August next, at one o'clock precisely, at their Rooms, Church-street, Liverpool, without reserve. THE STOCK consists of 220-Dozen Port, of firat-cla3a vintages; 180 Dozen Madeira, ditto; 320 Dozen Sherry: 80 Dozen Claret, Sir Claude Scott: and smaller quantities of other Wines and Liqueurs: namely, fine old hock, Malmsley, Tokay, shrub, old rum, and liqueurs; particulars of which will appear in future advertisem*nts and in the catalogues which are preparing and samples may be tasted previous to the sale. The wines will be delivered from the cellars in which they now lie. Sale of a Desirable First-class Residence, called Birch ITouae and Building Land, in Victoria Park, Longsight, and Freehold Property In Upper Duke-street, Hulme.

By Mr. THOMAS ACTON, at the Waggon and norses Inn, Longsight. near Manchester, on Thursday the 30th day of July. 1857, at six o'clock in the evening, subject to conditions to be then produced Lot A LLthat PLOT of LAND, situate in Birch. -CjL.

Road and Vernon Road, Victoria Park, Longsight, containing in the whole 3,410 superficial Bquare yards or thereabouts; and also all that capital Messuage or Dwelling-house erected thereon called Birch House, in the occupation of Mr. Richard Holt, as tenant thereof, at a yearly rent of 90. This lot will be sold for the residue of a term of 970 years, created by indenture of lease, dated the 24th day of December, 1849 (except the last ten days thereof), subject to a yearly rent of 28. 8a. 2d.

Birch House contains dining, drawing, aud breakfast rooms, kitchen and butler's pantry on the ground floor, and is cellared throughout, together with seven excellent bedrooms and bath room there is alio stable, coach-house, and suitable offices. There is vacant land well adapted for the erection of two semi-detached houses. Lot 2. All that Freehold PLOT of LAND, in Upper Duke-street and Dale-street, in Hulme, containing in the whole 318 superficial Bquare yards or thereabouts and also all that Shop, Beerhouse, Two Cottages, and Stable erected thereon, and in the occupation of David Clarkson, coal dealer, and others as tenants thereof. This lot produces a yearly rental of 81.

and will be sold subject to a perpetual yearly rent of 7. 19a. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, 38, Princess-street, Manchester; to Mr. Williams. agent, 38, Union-street.

Ardwick; or to Mr. HENRY THOMAS DARN TON, solicitor, 88) Old-street, Ashton-under-Lyne. If not previously disposed of by private bargain, will be exposed to Sale by Public Roup, at a reduced upset price, within the King's Arms Hotel, Dumfries, upon Thursday the 27th day of Augubt next, at ene o'clock afternoon THE ESTATE of COWHILL, near Dumfries, as formerly advertised. The estate, consists of upwards of 800 acres, whereof about 675 acres are arable, part in meadow, moss, and pasturage, and about 5 in eld wood and thriving valued at 3.366. The rental is considered equal to 960, exclusive of the mansion-house and policies, which is distant only a few miles frc Dumfries, and about a mile from the Holywood Station of the Glaeg, and South-Western Railway.

The farm steadings and fences are i good ten an table condition, and the public burdens moderate. If tho estate is not then sold in one lot, the Farm of Abbey Lands will, ol the same day, be exposed to sale separately; and the remaining part of the estate will be divided into separate lots, and exposed to sale on a future day to be afterwards advertised. For particulars, apply to Messrs. Hollingsworth and Tyerman, solicitors, London: Messrs. Webster and Penny, W.S.

Edinburgh; or David Johnstone, Cattle, street, Dumfries, in whose hands are the articles of roup, and titlu deeds of the estate. Hull To Capitalists, Manufacturers, and others. Extensive Manufacturing Premises and Freehold Building Land, with Wharfa*ge and other Frontage, and contiguity te Railway. CHARLES HAWKINS will SELL BY AUCTION, at Garraway's Coffee-house, CornhiU. London, on Wednesday the 5th August next, at twelve o'clock, under the direction of William Henry Tinney.

Esq. one of the masters of the High Court of Chancery, Seven Acres of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, situate at Wilmington, near ICingston-upon-HulL having considerable) frontage to the road leading from Hull to Seoneferry. And also a Plot of Valuable Freehold Land and Wharfa*ge Frontage to the river Hull together with the extensive, handsome, and substantially-erected Buildings forming tbe works and offices of the Hull GU-i Company, and for which manufacture in all its branches toey are now applicable. The buildings, which are for the most part fire proof, cover a superficial area of upwards of one acre, are well designed and executed, and the Internal arrangements so complete as to render them suitable to any important manufacturing, mercantile, or municipal purpose. In addition to other advantages, It is in the vicinity of the populous and extensive mercantile and msniifscturing town of Kingston-upon-HuU, and has direct and ImmM1!" water and railway communication to most parts of the kingdom.

Further particulars and plans may be bad of Mr. H. Ernest, 90, CanncMfcreet, London. E.C. Messrs.

Westmacott and BtakeohnjstaeA Bedford Bow. London, W.C.; and Mr. J. G. Caxlill, High-street.

Hull Mows. Shacklee and Son, solicitors, Hull; at the principal inns in the leading nianinotnruutewrdat Garraway's and at the AacBonsgrt offices. 6, Great Krdglt BJderstrees, Doctors' Commons, CHURCH, ST. ANN'S SQUARE, i ed, otitvtvo (Wednesday), jury ua.mki, si TnlS of Camdon Church, Camberwell, and 4arK. "ffr.iL.

t'a. Lothburv. London. "The eternity iturer Service at seven ciock. frrUTLO for the RELIEF of the "N1 iT ftnd ORPHANS of CLERGYMEN who have IU .1 Hie Archdeaconries of Chester, Liverpool, or Man-ifriates 11397 and Branch Institution for the Education ier, 2 nfClersynien.

1'atronB The Lord Bishops of Ches-rteikusbVi7 and aB(J Man; the Very Ilem the Deansof tho Venerable the Archdeacons of Chester, Manchester; the Rev. W. Quekett, Rectory. War-i-niool. Rev.

K. Greenall, Stretton. Warrington, Son. bou The ANNIVERSARY for the year 1857. will on Thursday, August 6.

1857. Divine The!" in the Panah Church at eleven clock a.m. ana p' I.1 I iinroviiv tit 1 wMhe' the daughters of clergymen at Warrington, RE- Aliimsfc Thin coli.l nfflmlAn l.n. the 11th of August. This school affords au educa- Tiirst nsu cn iracter.

uenus iirciutunii 1 in erior ch iracter. Terms (ir eluding i very extra) For who havo officiated in the arihdeaeounea of on mhaiisoi Manchester, 20 fur daughters of clergymen Jester, the aauie, so gaineas; tor daughters or other clergy- application may be made to the honorary Tor faitl'eI J. K'cbard Greiiiall, Stretfon, Warrington; or to the treaiiji fiery IT. SPURGEON is Enmiered to flit' TWO SERMONS, at Burnley, on Wednesday, large pavilion will be erected for the occasion. cjust be paid into the Craven Bank, in aid of the funds le "'jSnoii of r- Spurgeon's New Tabernacle.

For tickets of miily -t the poot-ollices at Burnley and Todmordon; jnuisi'' lHer. Piccadilly, Manchester: Bowker and Fish, Kefflrer' -W Kutwiatle, BUickbura; Starkie, Colne; Whitaker, ci-s7T iJ counected with the chapel OTNICAL AJL HUlUIUUUi'UitAL ii-iVtY By the kind permission of Colonel nodge, C.B. li i Irih nanma will Gardens. Old Trnfford, THIS DAY (Wednesday), '-ca o'clock. Adu.n-aion 6d.

each. By order, a t.ur to JOHN bHAW, Secretary. H- eFKESHMKNT ROOMS, Botanical Gardens, near the F.ihibition Entrance, and adjoining tho Smoking iiiKiih. TEAS. every day from twelve o'clock.

SNlUi' FREE-TRADE HALL. Mr. OHARLtS IHCKENS'S READING of hi CHRISTMAS CAROL, on Friday evening next, the 31st rt lit nght o'clock. civketa fur reserved seats can bo liad. and placrs cecured, at the ill T'n'-trftde Hall, only, this audeach succeeding day, IKm eleven ofuruc.ock.

rfiTlE UKUUiSiiJ ri.iiiux win give a urranci I' A I 1 I SI i cd Kri'lay evtning uevt, .1 uly 31. To commence at eight o'clock. A 111. 1 Ullll uw 1 1. JIAJIV roKCESTER MUSICAL FESTIVAL AugiiBt S5, 26.


iii.i'Wokth 5 ,1 IS V1NN1NG itveWKISS DONE. Tin- and Choruii will exceed SOU Performers. 0' Tuijy Hioriiiiig, August 25, Full Cathedral Service, with I'ettinguu "To Deuui," and Anthems by Meudehisohn morning, August '26, MendelsBohn's Elijah." (in ll.iir'.ayiiii'rimig. Augu-t 'a "Hymn of Praiae," lJ v.eUioi a fr i'u Kit and Handel's Israel in Egypt." liu KrnU i.K.rnltig, Augiirft "$, Handel's "Mes3iah." ih ncertu, in the College Hall, on uesday, WedneB-diy ttU'l fUwliy evenings. rr.r.iuiiuis will be lorwarded on application to the Honorary rVcreurj Hi v.

Sarjjaut, lu, K.lgar-stitet, Worcester, to whom all koiuuiui are re.iuedted to le addressed. 4 'J' MEKT1NG of the Owners a.d Occupiers jt vt i'rcjierty In the neighbourhood of the Crescent, Salford A Hie. mm 11 iv i'a in luu unair; It mia iirepoae 1 by tho Very Rev. the Dean of Manchester seconded bj riiuiuas Wright, Es'i and reBolved uuanimou-iiy Tliat tlna iiKetuur liu leai w.Ui Biirprige and regret that the n.ji3tratt-i of th.s diviri h.ivo entered into an agreement for the nurtliiife of the urouerty known as the Uakui'ld l'it'ite. near 1'eel farK ami tLe ('re cent, Salford.

for the purposes of a militia storehouse, or turr.ick and tha ut thtir judtrment the occupation of such premises iy the. militia would occaaK.n gre it to the respectable of the to the frviiuouteis of 1'eol Park and the Koyal Must um and Library, and to the luhab'tuntB generally on the I'eiidletou ri.iul. who ha.e riccfion to p.t-s nloiiu tho Cr-sceut. Moved by John Makin. En.

Becoiidud by Frederick Locbyer, Kim. and resolved uuaiiimoutiiv That meinurial be prt'inred in couforuiiry with the foregoing reso lution, and iire'Heuted to the c-umty niagiiitrates at tho Annual Court c.f ini.urtor Se-viouK. at ou TlmrBil.iv tho 3Uth instant: aud that tho oorpuraticn lie rc3i'ecllully re-iuente'il to stipport the prayer eif the saul nieuioriui, anu to apiiouit a it iumtiou to wait upon the Court i.f yiuirter at Trenton, on the mil ji ct. il.ivedby Willium Ashwi-rth, Becouded by John Holland, tsii. and resi ilveil unanimously That a denutatioii.

consisiuig of the Very Rev. tho Doan, Messrs, Altleruian Harvey, John Makin, F. Lockyer, John Holland, William Acton. Joenh Ash worth, Monnsey, be apiioiuted toprepare the said uieuioriul, aud to communicate with tho corporation, to urgf the wngistratea of ill's district to attend at the meeting at Preston ou the J'Jth liiBtant, to oiiinise the purchase of tuo prperty for tho purikise nuvv CiiiHomplatetl. or otherwise to obtain the postponement of the eiil ject till the next court day, in order toalford t.uiu for further Mmedliy D.

Chadwick; seconded by Mr. W. W. Goulden Tbiitilr. F.

Luckier bv requested to act a see-retary of the com-natUH). (Higned) WM. HARVEY. Chairman. by Mr.

Makiu sec aided by the Dean the liest thanks of the committee bo presented to Alderman Ilarrey, fur his kindness in preauling. GHAND CHANGE. New Company. Extra Comic Talent. Loudou Supper-rooms, Bridge-atreet.

POMONA GARDENS, HULME. Hand in att-udance dai CORN BROOK, daily. The City Royal Bras lijodln attondanco on Mondajs, Wedneadaja, and Saturdays, with a tiraU Display ol Fireworks, and illumination oi the colossal ncture ot' City of Pans, every Saturday evening. Admission tid. each, on fLtUv, Is.

after air o'clock Tickets, tkl. each, may be had from lit TOrend, Kmg-stroet; Mr. lligham, Victi iria-atreet Mr. Wood, and Mrs. Cheetham, Chester Road.

N.B. Open on ier iir.imouade: admission by refreshment ticket, 6d. each. to the gardeuB opposito the Blind AByluin, within three ualk of tlie Exhibition. ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, BELLE VUE, HYDE UOAD.

OPEN DA I LY. Every Monday, Weduesday, aiiJ -ia'arJay, ill be given, amidst a Gorgeous Display of Fireworks, Ktiresi utation, by Dan sou and Sous, of London, of the SlEl.K i til ItALTAR by the Spanish and French Fleets, showing the battering ships by red-hot shot, the burning mid n-tnat i.f the euemy's Meet, Sc. the whole of the grand picture ImiiK illmmuuted with crimson tire, forming an exhibition unequalled In gr.imlenr and t-uhlnuity. The llelle Vue Baud will perform from three o'cl-ek every day, and In the -Music Hall after the fireworks. A'Uuissiou, ul.

on Mondays and Weduesilays, Is. after four; and on Saturdasa, Is. after live o'clock. l)u Sundays, 3d. IOXvitrroRIA Salford.

it aud Re engagement of Mr. J. TAYLOR, Comic Vocalist. MONDAY, AUGUST 3. Re-appearance of Miss EMMA KERR1DGE.

FOX'S Victoria Music Hall, Kalferd. TVTEXT Monday. Mr C. ALVIE. principal tenor fri in the Theatre- Royal, Iiubhn.

will make his ist appear ance. London Supper-room, liriiige-stieet. ROUSE SUOOTlrsG.ccev -Gentlemen eugayecl who may wish to have good GROUSE SHOOTING ui the early part of the seiuiou, are requested to apply to J. I). I'Ol (i LL, munmith, Gordon-street, Glasgow, who has several Langea to lie Let.

These shootings are within easy distance of by daily conveyances; aud, being most carefully preserved, wi.latferd excellent simrt. If desired, dogs will be provided; and, altogether, eiich shootings are seldom to be met with, except at au enormous ep-n e. 0 I), li. takes this opportunity acknowledge the support he has reeeiveM from icveral ot the hrt siMrtsineuin Manchester, and to draw Mention to the superior character of his Fowling Pieces, which are so justly celebrated for great force Bhooting, combined with nauuee and reaihue-ss in uioimtmg to the eye hVl "'Vting Mmplihed. a Treatise on Guns and by JiiniM Dalziel DouaU.

lublihed by Arthur Hall, virtue and Co. Loudon. XflJRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. -This Fauly Medicine is the meat effective remedy for hver sick headache, loss of appe- S'ft "fi B'Mmcsa, all disorders of the stomach rSmTi f'I or where an occasional aperient is mred. uotlmig can be letter adapted.

Obse-rve Prout, caermdors CD Boverument stamp. Sold by aU medi- R. DE JONGH'S Light Brown COD LIVER "ow prescribed with the greatest success, in consequence i ui.wioiiD, Ana ajui lv 'l'iou ot genuine coil liver od is not so simple as might rnllB glTes tbe Preference to the light-brown EtrrtW olh wmch scarcely any volatile fatty acid, a and of Phosphoric acid, and the lements of bile, tvov 5 the eihcacy of cod liver oil, no doubt, KShV tit Sme the "elicieacies of the pale oil are attri-th, X. I h'hoil of its preparation, and especially to its filtration r-i Hi the preference of the light brown over the pale JonS-1 have carefully tested a specimen of Dr. de ta ui5h-B i coU hver 0l1' Wo be genuine, and rich 4nM th0 ele.i.eut8 of bile." oe'ai only imneriiil half ninta.

5a. eVI ninte. Oil nnarii Qa itWaiUlieUbclled Wlth Ur- De Jongh'a stamp and signature Ed i-o' Possiblj- be genuine), by ANSAR, ARFORD, .7 wie brltlsh COllSiimfwe. 77. Strand.

T.nndon nml her manv 1 n)'r and Bew, 3. WaUing-street and W. u-. 1 "street; in Bolton, J. Scowcrolt, l- ti- lrt' lu -i-M-'itou, ccowurois, xenagaw; in liury, Hi-v, utat- Kleet-street; in Oldham, H.

L. Hargraves. 23, Stockport. J. Walker, 1, Bridge-street in Warrington, Battoii.

Market Gate. Deansgate; in Bury, T)R. LEWIS'S FRENCH SPECIFIC PILL dine JSes capivl. cubsbs, mercury, ftc. and cures In two or three frfi changeof diet or confinement.

In boxes, at 2a. 9d. post --5jfQt, WESTMACOTT, chemist. Market-street. ttTSTlB ON MANHOOD SHILLING MEDICAL Jtatn-M ESSAY ON NERVOUS DISEASES.

vuouahed, the 77th thousand, with numerous plates, in a Healed e.tfpe, price Is. or sent, postpaid, by the author, for 14 stamps. IVI uuuli inejAUSJi.ana oi jkj- DECLINE, with plain directions for perfect res- health and viffmir lvini7 14. mpdil-al nf the various fomu "eaitn ana vigour; being a medical review ot the various fbTK-i UJWern treatment or uervou debility, loss or mental ana capacity, resulting from the erlects of climate, or infection. reeir-i wciuiufti, curiouaana interesting cases, wiuiuie umour a tSv-JVr? Vr1It3UtiXe loti.iu.

By J. L. CURTIS, surgeou, 15, Albe- f-li 1 I 1 1. I Lioncton. Reviews op toe Work.

liv 9s Manhood. It is the duty of all men to study the tte wirf CIrii y' no less than those of their mind. In the pages of Serr nV.T be fouud golden rules for regulating the one and pre- "Mje Law presf. March 31, 1856. br t- hesitation in saying, that there 13 no member of society tie rtVfJ be wul "ot be found useful whether such person hold PKr.

water" envelopes, by the Author; also by Gilbert. 49, Pater-0On HEYWOOD. Oldhaaa-street; JOHN HEY-Bool-ami it' fsgate. Manchester; Howell, 6. Church-street, Liver- uooitseuer3 ana cnemista in the United Kingdom.

HSTABLISHED IN PRACTICE UPWARDS ifurfJJnlRIrY YEARS. A CARD. MEDICAL ADVICB, 01 the DAVID DAVIESON. Member T-Tlfn of Surgeons, London and Paris, may be CON-hiii. of la all cases of nervous debility.

Irritability, trem-thmuV lda. Indigestion, involuntary blushing, delvudona of of 4c. whether produced by ledentary residence in the tropics, or otherwise. Dr. Davieson ton, and othS.Mi of his time to the study of scorbutic, a3668- His method of treatment Is very DWon aT'2.

mTOlvea no actual restraint either In diet or occu- PriTte entrap wtS611 All Saints'). Manchester. muiw euurt nrBi curt in rtosamona-strees. X7 ii A bdeStial cases consult the old medical Georgers, Meesrs D. HENRY CO.

surgeona, 63, cine Manchester. Attendance daily t1 the ftemooD. and from four Chester Inrf fl.e.y A'Te ben 20 year in extensive practice in furnSh 'uc'r ennre attention to certain complaints, rvaaS. convemence neceasary to parties of Woe U. of the Nervous System, inst nnhliahed.

f5JHe ps to'th? to any part of the kingdom for Is. 2d. oi Ub'i TtZrzriP ie amount. bn hnA itimnt r. in youS" nhL00rSseet Mantieater.

addreawd to tho SSf 9 sPWnatoSS00 ia the authors' obaerva- by Abri HS. iem-y medlml worloi old In asxi uerwood, Oldtaam-atmt. and all bookaeUezt. fnenw 7hri o'clock, p.m. The Right Hon.

EDWARD CARD WELL. SiirF Rev W. xl. -ftiiLiisuxtiN, cnapiaiu to tne I Congrca. will Deliver a LECTURE, in Tivlot St.n.-kp.irt, THIS EVENING, at Beven p.m.

A Lii.l ,,.,.1,. f.nw.irilii ilefravincr the exnensua incurred bv cf its aadeiT-i, mi Tanety, as me most speedy mtm broucliitis, asthma, gout, rheii- nKVtahU-l i hai.i ir. i miuuniggists Agents in Motters-MsSS Place; II. Turner, 41. Piccadilly, and 13, 0.1 lpir.

Iil .1 Kn. ah tint i'rt 'lu REPELLENT TWEED JACKET and SLEEVE Arcade. Spring-leathered Ventilating HATS are of the distinguished by their patent dualities. street, Manchester. Price, from 20a.

to 35s. MACBETH SONS. Fashionable Tailors, Piccadilly, Manchester. forwarded to any part of the country. COMIC CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT.

London Supper-rooms, Bridge-street. A. DEANE, the Artist Photographer, under the patronage of the Queen, York Chambers, adjoining the Town Hall, King-street, Manchester. Saturation. "OXFORD ROAD.

The Misses WATSON'S V-T SCHOOL will be RE-OPENED on Thursday, July 30. 240, Oxford Terrace. BOWDOiN. The Misses LAMBDEN beg to announce that the DUTIES of their SCHOOL will be RE SUMED July 30. HIGHER BROUGHTON SCHOOL, a First class Day School, was RE-OPENED on Tuesday the 21st inst.

v. AiAniiNsuiN, xvi. A. Head Master. mHE LADIES' SEMINARY, at Park View.

Gilda Brook, Eccles, will be RE-OPENED on Tuesday the 28th uiy. music, drawing, ana dancing, taught as hitherto. A GRADUATE of Oxford will be happy to RECEIVE TWO PUPILS (aged about 14) to prepare ior puuuc Bcnoois or me universities. Auoress at tne printer s. rriHE SHRUBBERY, SEAFORTH, NEAR JL LIVERPOOL.

The Misses GOLDING'S ESTABLISHMENT for the Education of Young Ladies will bo RE-OPENED on Wednea- aay tne ocn oi August, xne first masters attend the school. OAEK ROAD, NEAR ECCLES. Miss WATSON respectfully announces the RE-OPENING of her nuAituino ana ija buhuul ou Wednesday the 2Mth instant. masters aiona. Mennier, Alons.

Paris, Mr. walker, Mr. Harris. N.B Prospectuses may be had at Mr. Watson jeweller, 97, Market-street, SOUTH SHORE, ANSON will receive into their House a The Misses limited number of YOUNG LADIES, to be instructed in the different branches of education.

The situation of tbe house, close to the sea, is healthy and pleasant. TermB, 40 guineas per annum. Reference may be made to James Simpson, Esq. J.P. South Shore, Blackpool: Mr.

Alderman Harvey. Salford. Manchester; Rev. Thomas Hincks, B.A. Leeds; and ueorge aiter, jisq.

usgamorpe, sneineid. "(EDUCATION AT BONN, IN GERMANY JLi Mr. TH. MORSBACH. principal of an Establishment for tho Education of Young Gentlemen at Bonn, invites the attention ot parents desirous of sending their sons abroad.

The educational course includes practical chemistry, for the purposes of which a laboratory has ooenutieaup. Terms: tw per annum, washing ana class cooks iu-eluded. No extra charge for staying during the holidays. Mr. Mora-bach is a native of Germany, but has resided both in London and Puns and has selected Bonn for his establishment, as being a university town, distinguished for the number and celebrity of its professors, and aueiiuiiig uituijr Aaviiibitra iu a urab-oiasB euuuaiiiou.

Information reenoctiotr the establishment mav be obtained of Mrs. Woolley, 112, Bloomsbury, Chorlton-upou-Medlock Mrs. Dunstan, 6, Northern Terrace, Lower Broughton Mr. H. B.

Peaco*ck, Examiner and Timet office, Manchester, whoso sons are at present or have been recently in the establishment or from Mesars. DUNN1LL and PALMER, Bond-street. Mr. Morabach is at present in Manchester. CJEAS IDE.

NEW BRIGHTON COLLEGE AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL. This institution provides, at a moderate expense, a complete course of education, qualifying young Kubieuien ior me universities, tne military or naval services, the medical and other learned nrofesalons. or for iu oom- mercial pursuits. With this view the collecra is divided into rpuota! progressively asconding departments, each conducted by its appropriate master. The whole of the system is based on sound scripture principles.

Pupils are admitted from the age of six to sixteen. The domestic arrangements are under the care of the principal's family, who neglect nothing to promote the well-being of the pupils. The building of the institution occupies one of the most salubrious positions in England a statement well attested by the extremely rare cases oi mnesa among tne innanicanta oi new linguton. rue constant superintendance of the principal, the arrangements of the insti tution, the advantages of sea bathing, combined with the pure aud bracing air of this locality, furnish every reasonable guarantee for the health and literary improvement of the pupils, who will REASSEMBLE (D. on tho 4th of August.

Attention is invited to tne prospectus, which may be bad on application to the Rev. Dr. Ul, IICW OIlliUMIU, VMtMllirti. CJHANGHAI DIRECT. A new Aberdeen Clipper, built expressly for the China trade, the GEORGE WASHINGTON, A 1, sails early in August.

Greater part of her cargo engaged. Apply to T. O. LINGARD CO, 54, OroB3-street, Agents for liecombe, Brothers, and Co. London.

"VT YORK. Tapscott's Line of Packets JJ from LIVERPOOL for NEW YORK. Packet of the 1st August. Loading berth, north side of Bramley-Moore Dock. The splendid first-class American packet Ship MARGARET TYSON, W.

MORRISON, Master; burthen per register, 1,250 tons; now on her first voyage; sails very fast, and is an unrivalled conveyance for fine goods. For terms of freight or passage, apply to W. TAPSCOTT and CO. Liverpool. STEAM FROM GRIMSBY TO HAMBURG EVERY SATURDAY EVENING.

One of the fine A 1 steamers SYDENHAM 600 tons G. HIGHLEY. Commander, LORD ASHLEY. 600 tons. C.

GLEADON, Commander, LORD WORSLEY. 600 tons. BEAN, Commander, Despatched punctually every Saturday evening, and leaves HAMBURG the following Saturday evening. Return tickets, available for one month, are now issued at one fare and a half. Passengers and their luggage are conveyed in railway carriages alongside the steamer in the Royal Dock at Grimsby, without extra charge.

For freight and passage, apply to Z. C. PEARSON, COLEMAN, CO. Grimsby Hull, and London. s1 TEAM TO CANADA.

STEAM COMMU NICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL AND CANADA (under contract with her majesty's provincial government for the conveyance of the mails). The Montreal Ocean Steamship Company's first-class powerful screw Steamers ANGLO-SAXON Captain A. M'MASTER NORTH AMERICAN Captain W. GRANGE INDIAN Captain T. JONES CANADIAN Captain W.BALLANTINE Are intended to Sail Fortnightly between Liverpool and QUEBEC and MONTREAL, asfoUows: FROM LIVERPOOL.

INDIAN Wednesday, July 29. ANGLO-SAXON Wednesday, August 12. NORTH AMERICAN Wednesday, August 26. INDIAN Wednesday, September 9. FROM QUEBEC.

ANGLO-SAXON Saturday, July 18. NORTH AMERICAN Saturday, August 1. INDIAN Saturday, August 15. ANGLO-SAXON Saturday, August 29. Cabin passage money, 18 guineas and 15 guineas, which includes steward's fee and provisions, but not wines or liquors, which can be obtained on board.

Steerage passage money, eight guineas, whicb includes a plentiful inonlv of cooked Drovisiona. Rate of freight. 60s. per ton measurement and per cent primage. Weight subject to agreement.

Bv soecial arrangements made with the Grand Trunk Railway Company, passengers may, by availing themselves, en this side, of tne torougu tickets grmnteu oy biiia umi 01 uiieauiens, ue lanaeu in an parts of Canada and the western states of America more cheaply, as well as much more expeditiously, than by any other route. Apply, in Montreal, to EDMONDSTONE, ALLAN, CO. in Quebec, to G. BURNS SYMES ft in London, to MONT GOMERY GREENHORNE, 17, Gracechurch-Btreet in Glas gow, to JAMES ft ALEXANDER ALLAN. 54, St.

Enoch Square Liverpool, to ALLAN ft GILLESPIE, Weaver Buildings, Brunswick-street, Liverpool; or to F. T. GOODALL, 26 Cooper-street, Manchester. iUgal Notice. THOMAS SQUIRE(late of Latchford), Deceased.

All persons having any claim against this deceased, are requested to send in the particulars thereof to the administrator of the late Thomas Squire, Latchford, near Warrington, without delay and any person having any liability to the deceased, is requested to discharge the same, to enable the administrator to close the estate. F. B. 8CHRADER, Administrator Liver-street, Liverpool, July 22, 1S57. 2T0 tit ict TO GROCERS, TEA DEALERS, OTHERS.

TO BE LET, and may be entered upon immediately, an Old-established and Well-accnstomed Read-money SHOP, one of the best stands, situated in tbe principal thoroughfare of the town. This business is an opportunity which rarely occurs, and is parted with solely in consequence of other imperative engagements. Fixtures at valuation, for which cash would not- be required. Address A Post-office, Macclesfield or at the printer's. LISCARD MANOR HOUSE, CHESHIRE TO BE.

LET, Furnished, this Most Desirable RESIDENCE, situate on the banks of the River Mersey, within a mile ef New Brighton. The noose contains ample accommodation for a large family, and is well furnished throughout. The stables and outbuildings are extensive and oovenient, as are also tha gardens and pleasure grounds, all of which hare been kept in perfect order for some years past by the present tenant. John Naylor, The situation of the house and grounds (about 1 acres) is not surpassed by any in the county and for anyone wanting a house near Liverpool, having at the same time the advantages of a retired country residence, of the sea coast, and the close view of the shipping frequenting tbe port of Liverpool, such an opportunity is rarely to be met with. To be viewed by card only, to be had from Mr.

T. B. Hughes, 13, Exchange Alley North, Liverpool. ANCASHIRE. MARSDEN HALL, near A Colne.

the Residence ofMrs. Hallam. TO BE LET, for a term of Sears to be agreed upon, andeither furnished ortmfnrnlahed. and may enteredupon immediately, the Capital MANSION HOUSE, called Marsden Hall, with ths hothouse, greenhouse, orchard, pleasure grounds, coach-houses, stables, and other buildings and appurtenances usually held therewith. The mansion contains accommodation suited in every respect to a family of the highest respectability entrance hall (occupied as alibrary), dining, drawing, and breakfast rooms on the ground floor eight good bedrooms, bathroom, and water closets, on the first and second floors; excellent vit-inf- butler's pantry, adequate servants' bedrooms, wash-house, brewhouse, bakehouse, and suitable out-offices of every description; abundant coach-house and stable roem, and poultry yard: all the premises in excellent repair.

The mansion is abundantly supplied with hot and cold water, carried through it bypepes. Pews in Colne and Martden Churches belong to the house. The tenant may also, if so inclined, take on lease with the mansien about 14 acres of excellent grass land, at present in the occupation of Mr. Marsden co*ck, a tenant from year to year. The tenant may also rent tho privilege of shooting over Marsden Hall estate, and hunting may be obtained In tbe neighbourhood.

srcn Hall is distent from Come about two miles, and trom Burnley about fire miles, and is within an. hour and a half's ride of Manchester by the East Lancashire Railway, which passes through part of the estate and trpoxt which there is a ataWon a short mile from the house. The situation of tho house is dry and pleasant, and Pendle wni and other mountains form a noble prospect from the windows. Mrs. Hallam wfflsathorlw the premises to bs seaa; and for rant, and other terms parttcnlars.

apply to stssos. HARTLEY ft CABS, solicitors. for Upholstery, Sc. on very advantageous terms. Designs and estimates MISS ELIZA LINDSAY, Serio-comic, Monday, August 3.

London Supper-rooms, Bridge-street. JAMES, Hosier, Glover, Shirt Maker, General Outfitter, 39, Piccadilly, opposite the Infirmary. SANDERSON SON, Hide and Leather Factors, Mulberry-street. Deansgate, Manchester. MISS SEYFRIED, the Operatic Star, Monday, August 3.

London Supper-rooms, Bridge-street. CARD. The Misses WAT EE SON, 3, Finch Hill. Buck's Road. Douglas.

Isle of Man. Private APART MENTS. TTEW MUSIC at HALF PRICE; the best J3I and moat correct editions. HIME 4 ADDISON, 19, St. Ann's Square.

STRONG SUGAR for Preserving, Sixpence per pound, at SHARP SCOTT'S, grocers to her Market- street, Manchester. THE FERNS, Alderley Edge, under new management. Address, Mrs. BEALE, The Ferns, Alderley Edge, near Manchester. ACTING MAD, or the Drama Burlesqued, creates roars of laughter.

Sung by Mr. W. H. C. WEST.

Loudon Supper-roouiB, Bridge-atreet. TAMES REILLY, Wholesale MAHOGANY JF CHAIR Manufacturer, by patent machinery, 13, 15, 17, Mather-street, Ancoats, Manchester. Sole Patentee. IANO FORTES. The Largest and Cheapest STOCK, New and Second-hand, warranted; also FOR HIRE, with option of purchase.

T. MOHNEUX, 37, ohn Dalton-street. MILLIONS Destroyed by the Indian FLY POISON PAPERS. Sold by all chemists. Aris one half- penny each.

u. buuwjn, sole importer. rXlHE Italian Image Vendor," and "The JL Recruit's Disasters la the Crimea," inimitably Buug by Mr. T. C.

REEVES. London Supper-rooms, Bridge-atreet. HARLES R. EARLE, Wine and Spirit Mer-chant and Ale and Porter Brewer, No. 1, Church-street, Pendleton, next to Greenwood's office.

Private familiessupplied. TATIONERY, Printing, Engraving, and Lithography supplied on the lowest termB, by BECKS CO. 118, Market-street, Manchester. Gillott'a steel pens in every variety, LENFIELD PATENT STARCH, used in the Royal Laundry, and pronounced by her majesty's laundress to be the finest Starch she ever used. Sold by all chandlers, grocers, RIVATE RESIDENCES, Gardens, and Grouada, introducing Family Groups of Figures, PHOTOGRAPHED for the Stereoacope, by J.

It. MUDD, 94, Cross-street, Manchester. VERTURES to "William Tell" and "Fra Diavolo." Also Selections from La Traviata." exauisitelv rendered by Mr. J. C.

HATTON, on the Harmonium. London Supper-rooms, Bridge-street. IL BALEN, from Verdi's opera, II Trovatore," and The green trees whispered," by Balfe sung with great ap- plauBe by Miss EMILY SHERRAN Xionaon supper-rooms, uriuge- street. ALBERT HOTEL, Albert Bridge. CHARLES COBURN begs to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has TAKEN the above HOUSE, and will shortly open with a first-class stock direct from bond.

WHERE shall we wander," Glover; and The sailor sighs," Balfe duets, by the Misses ELIZA and MARIANNE SHERRAN encored nightly -London Supper-rooms, xsrioge-streec. THE DEVONSHIRE GEMS C.F.HAN co*ck, Jeweller and Silversmith, has the honour to announce that, by the kind permiasion of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, tbe GEMS are still ON VIEW at his establishment, 39, Bruton-Btreet, Bond-Btreet. London. MILNERS' (212) SAFES (Holdfast and Fire-resisting), with all the improvements, under their quadruple patents, including their gunpowder-proof solid lock and door (without which no safe is secure), the strongest and cheapest safeguards extant. Depot, 28, Market-street.

P. R. DAVIS, Agent. CHUBB'S Patent DETECTOR LOCKS, ior every purpose: also Street-door LATCHES. CHUBB'S SAFES, FIRE AND POWDER PROOF.

For more than 20 years, Chubb's Safes have been made on this principle. All are secured by their locks, with the latest Improvements. Copies of testimonials, and illustrated lists of prices may be had at Chubb and Son's, 16, Market-street, Manchester. OFFICE FOR PATENTS, 1, Serle-street, Lin-coin's Inn, London Messrs. S.

E. COITAM SON, 28, Brazennose-street, Manchester, are the SOLE AGENTS in this city for the above office, from whom may be had (gratis, on application) the Circular for Inventors," containing all the necessary information as to the means and cost of obtaining British andforeign patents, and registrations of designs. S1 EA BATHING. CASTLE MONA HOTEL and Familv BOARDING-HOUSE. aearDouslas.

Isle of Man. Visitors to the Art Treasures Exhibition are apprised that the above most agreeable sea-side residence can bo reached from Manchester within six hours and a half. First-class steamers daily to and from Liverpool. For description. of this delightful and formerly duoal residence see advertisem*nt in Bradahaw.

LD BANK RESTAURANT, MARKET- STREET. The Public are reeoectf ully informed that the above well-known Establishment has been re-decorated, regardless of ex pense, and will be RE-OPEN EO in a tew days, under new ana experienced management. A select business will be cultivated, as the best means to ensure attention and despatch, so essential to the enjoyment of a good dinner. The large smoking room is converted into a handsome dining and coffee room, for ladies, family parties, a want especially felt by viaitors at this particular period. Due notice will be given of the opening.

EWING A CHINES. THOMAS v. REYNOLDS. DANIEL FOXWELL bees to inform the Users nf Sewine Machines and the Public, that the verdict in the above action relates only to such machines as are made in America, and imported by Grover. Baker, and Co.

and marked Howe's Patent." See Ttmet't report, June 29, 1857. D. Foxwell continues the Sale of his Machines as usual, and is prepared to guarantee all purchasers from any liability whatever. These machines are suitable for every description of work, and can be run at a greater speed, and will do double the quantity of work, of any other machine. 54, Wood-street, Cheap-side, London and Rogers-street, Red Bank, Manchester.

VISITORS to the Arts Exhibition intending to proceed to Dublin will find the NORTHUMBERLAND HOTEL the most central in the city, being within a few minutes' walk of all the public buildings. The proprietor, Mr. J. C. JOSEPH, in returning thanks for the kmd support, for some years past, extended to this establishment, takes this opportunity to inform his Patrons and Friends that the Hotel has during the past spring been considerably enlarged, re-decorated, and re-furnished, in a style of elegance and comfort.

Additional drawing, commercial, and smoking rooms, have been added. For the accommodation of families not requiring private drawing-rooms an elegant saloon and dining-rooms are set apart for their special use. Visitors, tourists, commercial gentlemen, and families, will find this establishment, for situation and comfort, combined with moderate charges, to be replete with every requisite for their accommodation. tttJltrationiJ. CORNISH'S GUIDE with large Map TO MANCHESTER, -33, Piccadilly.

CHOOL BOOKS; New and Second-hand. CORNISH'S. 33. Piccadilly. Just published, price per poet Is.

2d. TSHE COTTON TRADE. TWO LECTURES on the above subject, delivered before the members of the Blackburn Literary, Institution, by Mr. Alderman BAYNES, of that town. First; "The origin, rise, progress, and present extent of the cotton trade." Second: "Its mission; politically, socially, morally, and religiously." Dedicated by permission to the Right Hon.

Lord Cavendish, M.P. North Lancashire. Manchester: JOSEPH THOMSON ft SON, Market-street; Blackburn: John N. Haworth, Church-street; London: Hall and Virtue, Paternoster Row; Richardson Brothers, 23, Cornhill; Liverpool: G. Philip and Son.

South Castle-street; Rockliffand Son, Castle-street. Contracts- OSS SIDE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. The Local Board of Health for the district of Moss Side is prepared to RECEIVE TENDERS for the Sewering, Levelling, 1-1 1 1 1 Vw. Tna saving, XJUftgLO, eimuueiuiiit. IUIU L.UUJ iimto uxmu 1 Brooks's Bar to the bridge in Upper Moss Lane, at the boundary of i tne townsmy, anu HituaM? iu uie Hauuiuntricb.

iw iiiaus, kvuwoi iuiu specifications may be seen at the offices of Messn. Corbett and Baby. Queen's Chambers, Market-street. Tenders, addressed to the Chairman of the Local Board, must be delivered to me not later than the 4th August, 1857. J.

H. HAMPSON, Clerk to the said Local Board. 12, Norfolk-street, Manchester. TOWNSHIP OF MANCHESTER. The Guardians of the Poor of the Township of Manchester are prepared to RECEIVE PLANS and ESTIMATES for a STEAM ENGINE and BOILER, with all the necessary Pumping Apparatus, for farcing water to the upper parte of the New Workhouse now erecting at CrumpsalL Particulars may be obtained at the offices of MeaarsT Mills and Murgatroyd, architects, Exchange Chambers, Bank-street.

Manchester. Plans and estimates, endorsed "Steam Engine, New Workhouse," to be addressed to me, and delivered at the Poor-law Offices, on or before Wednesday the 19th day of August next. The guardians do not pledge themaelvea to accept the lowest estimate. Br order. NO.

HARROP, Clerk to the Guardians. Poor-law Offices, New Bridge-street, Manchester. June 24. 1857. TOWNSHIP OF MANCHESTER The Gnardians of the Poor of the Township of Manchester, arepre-pared to RECEIVE LISTS of PRICKS for oertain FIXTURES required at the New Workhouse now erecting at CrumpsalL Some portion of these fixtures most be tendered for in a gross sum.

The list of prices must form the basis upon which, after meaKirement, any other fixtures required shall be paid. The plans and tpecifioations for the fixtures to be tendered for in groai amount may beaeen, and further particulars obtained, on application at the offices of the architect. Messrs. Mills and Murttroyd, lrnge fiharnbera. Bank-strcel, Manchester.

Seated endorsed "Tender lor Fixtures? 4c" to be addressed to me, and delivered at my cfnos on or before Wednesday the 13th day of Ang next. not nledce themselves to accept the lowest tender. By DKnceiuwHoira JNO. HARROP, Clerk to the Gtiardians, Poor-law Offices, New Brifl street, Manohester, Jnhj ai, mi. a.

oi JL.

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.