York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (2024)

WCCB Web Staff,

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    York County Mugshots

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    Abdul Khan – Assault and Battery Third Degree

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    Antwain Sutton – Domestic Violence First Degree

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    Chad Featherstone – Metal:Transportation of Possession of Stolen Nonferrous Metals

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    Dennis Jackson –Burglary First Degree –Domestic Violence First Degree

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    Dennis Rodas Flores –Probation Violation

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    Derrius Jackson –Narcotic Drugs in Sch I –Drugs:Tarfficking in Fentanyl, 14 Grams or More

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    Donald Murray – Obtain Property Under False Pretense –Criminal Conspiracy –Receiving Stolen Goods

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    Ira Hayes –Public Disorderly Conduct –Trespassing, Entering Premises After Warning

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    James Murry –Domestic Violence High and Aggravated

  • 11/28

    James Robinson –Driving Under the Influence

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    Jaylen Little –Committment

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    Jocelyn Byrum –Breaking and Entering –Petty Larceny –Malicious Injury to Personal Property

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    John Bond –Domestic Violence Third Degree

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    John Davis – Trespassing, Entering Premises After Warning

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    John Lefler – Family Court, Contempt of Court

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    Kaileb Kilory –Sexual Exploitation of a Minor Third Degree

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    Kelli Dobler –Probation Violation

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    Michael Ruiz –Domestic Violence Third Degree

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    Richard Shackelford –Narcotic Drugs In Sch I

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    Samuel Stewart –Family Court Bench Warrant

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    Tiana Ehresman – Attmepted Armed Robbery –Assault and Battery First Degree –Possession of a Weapon During Violent Crime

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    Timothy Shirah –Probation Violation

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    Travis Davis – Shoplifting

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    Vanessa Micle –Petty Larceny –Criminal Conspiracy –Grandy Larceny

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    Wesley Henning –Malicious Injury to Personal Property

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    William Hensley –Burglary Second Degree –Breaking and Entering – Malicious Injury to Personal Property

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    Zackery Quinn –Probation Violation

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (1)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (2)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (3)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (4)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (5)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (6)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (7)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (8)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (9)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (10)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (11)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (12)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (13)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (14)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (15)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (16)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (17)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (18)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (19)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (20)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (21)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (22)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (23)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (24)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (25)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (26)

  • York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (27)

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Check out the York County mugshots from Tuesday, September 3rd and Wednesday, September 4th.

*All are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

York County Mugshots September 3rd and 4th - WCCB Charlotte's CW (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.